Your income is Internet delivery. You do not need to buy or steal TV shows, obtain licenses for TV broadcasting, etc. Indeed, you are not a TV broadcaster. You only deliver the Internet, but you need to do your job efficiently, then people can buy programs wherever they want. They would not ask the ISP, instead they would go directly to the content owner, buy IP-QAM and CAM-modules, subscribe to any software packages from the owners and enjoy quality programs. And an ISP can help them find programs on the Internet and improve the quality of delivery, reduce the incoming traffic by the use of CDN servers, as which we offer our solution — IPTV Video Server.
Internet access is under your control, thus you will get the money. You have a completely legal business, and any content owner will in every possible way welcome your development.
To build a business you do not need to spend a single penny! Get started today.
By the way, you can sell subscriptions to program packages, CAM modules that are in high demand and IP-QAM set-top boxes.